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AI4FLOOD: adapting and improving municipal prevention through the integration of Artificial Intelligence and citizen participation

The aim of the project is to strengthen municipalities’ capacity to reduce the risk of disaster, especially in flood situations. It proposes to provide solutions and resources to municipalities to ensure greater accuracy in flood prediction and facilitate data use or the generation of early warnings by means of artificial intelligence (AI).
The project will develop AI-based tools to improve the collection of hydrometeorological data and accelerate response time with early warnings. Three new municipal emergency plans will be co-designed, focusing on the participation and training of organisations, businesses and citizens.

AI4FLOOD is implemented on a cross-border basis between the regions of Nouvelle Aquitaine, Navarra and Guipúzcoa, seeking the transferability of results and mutual learning between the partners. The project aims to improve prevention, protection and emergency preparedness, using innovative digital technologies and encouraging community participation in self-protection actions.

Project 65% co-funded by the European Union through the VI-A Spain-France-Andorra Interreg Programme (POCTEFA 2021-2027). The aim of the POCTEFA is to strengthen the economic and social integration of the Spain-France-Andorra border area.

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